Quocirca Managed Print Services Landscape, 2018

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Repeat performance: Lexmark continues as a leader in this independent analysis of global enterprise MPS market.

Report Summary

Key Lexmark strengths include:

• Global execution

• Industry expertise

• Analytics

• Comprehensive security portfolio


…customers find that the system truly anticipates the needs of their fleet and automatically acts in an ‘always on’ state – driving down helpdesk calls, service dispatch and disruption to users and IT staff.

Explore the value of Lexmark Managed Print Services. 

Quocirca is a research and analysis company with a primary focus on the European market. Quocirca produces free to market content aimed at IT decision makers and those that influence them in business of all sizes and public sector organisations. Much of the content Quocirca produces is based on its own primary research. For this primary research, Quocirca has native language telephone interviewing capabilities across Europe and is also able to cover North America and the Asia Pacific region. 

1Source: All Quocirca references are from the Quocirca Managed Print Services Landscape, 2018