
Lexmark Optra Solutions Powered by NVIDIA®

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Optra Edge is an integrated hardware and software solution for rapidly creating and deploying remote applications at scale. Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Xavier™ NX, the solution provides customers with the power of computing and vision right where data is generated—at the edge of the network. Optra Edge solves challenges in Smart Retail, Manufacturing Quality Control and Transportation Operations by leveraging existing cameras and sensors, and costs less to implement than proprietary solutions.

Lexmark uses L4T, NVIDIA JetPack™, and Deepstream to deploy and run Docker containers on Jetson-enabled Optra Edge devices. Lexmark is also a supporter and contributor to the OE4T community

Optra Edge devices

Want to learn more about Lexmark Optra Edge devices?

Smart Retail solutions

Optra Edge by Lexmark offers significant benefits to the retail industry transforming the way businesses operate and interact with customers. By deploying computing power and data processing capabilities closer to the point of sale, edge computing enables real-time data analysis and localized decision-making. This means retailers can deliver personalized and seamless customer experiences in weeks instead of months.

With Optra Edge, retailers can analyze data from in-store cameras and sensors to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences and trends. This information can then be used to offer tailored recommendations, targeted promotions and personalized offers in real-time, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales.

Additionally, Optra Edge facilitates the integration of emerging technologies such as smart shelves, self-checkout systems and interactive displays, providing shoppers with a frictionless and immersive shopping experience. This advanced technology empowers retailers to optimize operations, enhance customer engagement and stay competitive in the rapidly evolving retail landscape.


Optra Edge sample use in Retail

  • Counting and tracking of people and vehicles
  • Real-time personalized marketing
  • Worker Safety
  • Improved loss prevention and security
  • Optimized inventory management
  • Frictionless checkout experiences
  • Enhanced in-store customer experiences

Manufacturing Quality Control solutions


Optra Edge sample use in Manufacturing

  • Counting and tracking of people and vehicles
  • Real-time personalized marketing
  • Worker Safety
  • Improved loss prevention and security
  • Optimized inventory management
  • Frictionless checkout experiences
  • Enhanced in-store customer experiences

Optra Edge offers numerous benefits to the manufacturing industry, revolutionizing the way operations are managed and executed. By deploying computational power and data collection closer to the production line, edge computing enables real-time data analysis and decision making. This allows manufacturers to optimize their processes, enhance worker efficiency and reduce production downtime.

With Optra Edge, cameras and sensors on the factory floor can collect and process vast amounts of data, generating valuable insights instantly. This enables manufacturers to monitor processes, predict maintenance needs and prevent costly breakdowns. Edge computing also facilitates localized data processing, eliminating the need for large-scale data transfers to the cloud, reducing latency and ensuring uninterrupted operations. Manufacturers can also leverage edge computing for quality control by instantly analyzing data from sensors, cameras and machine vision systems, leading to for improved product consistency and reduced waste.

Unlike other IoT solutions, Optra Edge empowers the manufacturing sector with faster, more reliable, and intelligent decision-making, paving the way for increased productivity, cost savings, and enhanced competitiveness.

Transportation Operations solutions

Optra Edge by Lexmark offers significant advantages to the transportation industry, revolutionizing the way transportation systems operate and improving efficiency, safety and customer experiences. By bringing computational power and data processing capabilities closer to the source of data generation, edge computing enables real-time analysis and decision making at the edge of the transportation network. This allows for immediate processing and response to critical data such as traffic conditions, vehicle performance and passenger preferences.

With edge computing, transportation systems can optimize traffic management by analyzing real-time data from cameras and sensors at the edge, enabling dynamic routing, congestion management and efficient resource allocation. Additionally, Optra facilitates predictive maintenance by monitoring and  analyzing data from vehicles and infrastructure in real-time, allowing for proactive maintenance and less downtime.

Optra Edge enhances passenger experiences by providing personalized and context-aware services, such as real-time travel updates, interactive maps and tailored recommendations. Unlike other IoT solutions, Optra Edge empowers the transportation industry with real-time insights, improved operational efficiency, enhanced safety measures and enhanced passenger satisfaction.


Optra Edge sample use in Transportation Operations

  • Fleet/Site management and turn-time estimation
  • Real-time traffic management
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Real-time fleet management
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Transportation Workplace Safety