We’ve all got an important role to play in minimising our impact on the environment. Thanks to the Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme (LCCP), being responsible doesn’t have to be difficult or compromise business performance. LCCP combines high-performance logistics and service with innovative tools to offer you a collection, recycle and reuse process that’s modern, efficient and ideally adapted to your consumption volumes. In addition to paying the transportation costs of your used cartridges, Lexmark gives you convenient online access and interactive tools to schedule pick-ups, track returns, order recycling container and more.
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As environmentally responsible provider of products and services, Lexmark is committed to follow the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2012/19/EU. This Directive governs the correct disposal of used electronic goods, including many consumable related products with electrical content. In compliance with the Directive, all of Lexmark’s products with electronic content are now labelled per WEEE specifications and comply with European Standard EN50419. Products labelled with the WEEE symbol should be returned to a designated collection point for electrical and electronic equipment recycling, such as through our Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme.
Corporate Cartridges are Lexmark’s most sustainable offering yet. Some components and materials, including plastics and packaging can contain 100% post-consumer content saved through the Lexmark Cartridge Collection Programme.
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