In addition to its large, intuitive colour touch-screen and advanced functions, the Lexmark X646ef mono MFP comes equipped with a complete range of finishing features.
A powerful 514 MHz processor and standard 256MB RAM (expandable to 640MB) for fast copying or printing with up to 50 ppm (48 ppm for A4) coupled with a time to first page as quick as 8.5 seconds means less wait-time for users. 250,000 page one-time maximum monthly duty cycle provides departmental workgroup support.
Mixed Letter / Legal Copy: With paper size sensing of documents in the ADF or flatbed, the output paper size is printed on the corresponding paper size such as letter to letter or legal to legal. The output can also be automatically scaled to fit one paper size such as a letter and legal page mix to all output as letter size.
This MFP can be easily tailored to an array of business output application needs for general office copy, fax, scan and print, consolidated on one multifunction printer.
Job Cancel: Cancel a print, fax or network job from the job listings using the Lexmark e-Task touch screen icon.
From customer support with technical support, extended warranty options and Lexmark parts to fleet management and professional services, Lexmark offers flexible and scalable services to make your life easier.
Job Interruption with 'Priority Copies': Interrupt or pause a current print job at the end of a page to allow a user to make a copy without waiting for the entire print job to finish.
Take workflow efficiency to new levels. The X646ef is equipped with Lexmark's new Embedded Solutions framework, offering you network-friendly, native support for Lexmark’s wide range of enterprise solutions.
Custom Job email: Provides one setting or many settings to be used for multiple types of scans to create one document. This allows a user to scan more than 50 pages from the ADF, to switch easily between the ADF or flatbed with the same settings, to create a PDF that contains both B&W and color (including images), and to use the scan preview when creating a scanned job.
Customizable and easy-to-view, large, vivid, well-spaced, familiar icons on the Lexmark e-Task 8-inch (20 cm) color touch screen provide access to print, copy, fax and scan-to-email functions. Graphical 'Show Me' assists in keeping the MFP up and running. Supports direct printing (without a PC) of PDFs and image (TIFF, JPEG, HTML, gif, bmp, png, pcx and dcx) files from a USB flash drive using the convenient USB Direct interface on the operator panel. Or scan a document and save it to the USB Flash drive as a PDF, TIFF or JPEG.
Custom Job Copy: Allow a user to set up a group of settings for multiple types of copies. This allows a user to copy more than 50 pages from the ADF, to switch easily between the ADF or flatbed when making quick copies with the same settings, or to collate multiple copies from different original copy sources.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL*), IP Security (IPSec) and 802.1x authentication and user authentication(with single sign-on) provide security measures for multifunction communications and data encryption. Hard disk data wiping and AES encryption for data security and restriction. Confidential printing with enhanced personal ID number (up to 10 digits) management including lockout, job expiration, and invalid PIN protection. *This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
Fax forward to another fax machine, email address, FTP site or a customized Lexmark workflow solution. Build faxes with the Custom Job feature as well as preview the first page of an outgoing fax with Scan Preview.
Scan Preview: Preview the first page of a job to verify settings, document orientation and placement to eliminate user frustration and enhance ease of use.
Display fax queue in process (outgoing and current incoming), Fax preservation in flash memory or on disk, Up to 400 x 400 dpi resolution, Modem speeds from 2400 up to 33600 bps, Group Speed dial, Fax redirect email address, Junk fax block (where available), Caller ID. 400 maximum broadcast locations, Group fax broadcast (delayed send by time and date available) to 46 locations (based on a 10 digit number with a maximum of 512 characters), Speed dial or shortcuts (500 based on a 10 digit number with a shortcut limit of 512 characters), Automatic Redial / Busy Redial (where available), LDAP address lookup for names and fax numbers. Build faxes with the Custom Job feature as well as preview the first page of an outgoing fax with Scan Preview.
Št. dela. | 21J0159 |
Tehnologija tiskanja |
Funkcija |
Zaslon |
Podprte velikosti medija |
Standardna vrata |
Velikost (mm - V x D x G) |
Teža |
Dimenzije embalaže (mm - V x D x G) |
Teža paketa (kg) |
Hitrost kopiranja |
Prva stran |
Stopnja pomanjšave / povečave |
Hitrost modema |
Hitrost tiskanja |
Prva stran |
Ločljivost tiska |
Obojestransko tiskanje |
Površina tiskanja |
Tip skenerja / Optično branje s samodejnim podajalnikom dokumentov |
Območje skeniranja |
Trdi disk enote za optično branje |
Ločljivost skeniranja |
APD vhodna kapaciteta papirja / APD izhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Podprte velikosti medija |
Dodatek sortiranja |
Število vnosov papirja |
Vhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Izhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Podprt razred teže papirja |
Standardna papirna opcija |
Dodatne papirne opcije |
Priporočena mesečna količina strani |
Največji mesečni obratovalni ciklus |
Zdržljivost potrošnega materiala |
Procesor |
Spomin |
Tiskalniški jeziki |
Nabor fontov in simbolov |
Podpora omrežnega protokola |
Omrežne metode tiskanja |
TCP/IP Set of Application Services |
Protokoli za upravljanje omrežja |
Varnost omrežja |
Opcijska mrežna vrata |
Podprti Microsoft Windows operacijski sistemi |
Podprti Apple operacijski sistemi |
Podprti Linux operacijski sistemi |
Citrix MetaFrame |
Podprti Novell operacijski sistemi |
Podprti UNIX operacijski sistemi |
Ostali podprti operacijski sistemi |
Običajna poraba električne energije |
Stopnja hrupnosti |
Povprečna poraba energije pri tiskanju / Povprečna poraba energije pri kopiranju / Povprečna poraba energije pri optičnem branju |
Povprečna poraba energije v stanju pripravljenosti z vklopljeno možnostjo varčevanja energije / Povprečna poraba energije v stanju pripravljenosti z izklopljeno možnostjo varčevanja energije |
Določeno delovno okolje |
Potrdila izdelka |
UNSPSC koda |
Država izvora |
1"Priporočeni mesečni obseg strani" je vrsta strani, ki strankam pomagajo oceniti ponudbo izdelkov Lexmark na podlagi povprečnega števila strani, ki jih stranke načrtujejo vsakič, da jih natisnejo na napravi. Lexmark priporoča, da je število strani na mesec v dosegu optimalne zmogljivosti naprave, ki temelji na dejavnikih, ki vključujejo: intervale zamenjave zalog, intervale nalaganja papirja, hitrost in značilno porabo strank.
2"Najvišji mesečni delovni cikel" je opredeljen kot največje število strani, ki bi jih naprava lahko dostavila v enem mesecu z uporabo večglasne operacije. Ta metrika zagotavlja primerjavo robustnosti v primerjavi z drugimi Lexmarkovimi tiskalniki in večnamenskimi tiskalniki.
3Povprečna vrednost standardno natisnjenih strani je deklarirana skladno s standardom ISO/IEC 19752.
4Ta izdelek vsebuje programsko opremo, ki jo je razvilo podjetje OpenSSL Project za uporabo v kompletu orodij OpenSSL.
Názov | Št. dela. | Kapacita |
X644X11E | 32.000 | |
X644H11E | 21.000 | |
X644A11E | 10.000 |
Názov | Št. dela. | Kapacita |
11K3188 | 9.000 |
Názov | Št. dela. | Kapacita |
X644X21E | 32.000 | |
X644H21E | 21.000 | |
X644A21E | 10.000 |
Názov | Št. dela. | Kategorija |
57X0070 | Pomnilniške opcije | |
1021294 | Povezljivost | |
14T0220 | Povezljivost | |
SPD0002 | Povezljivost |
†"Priporočeni mesečni obseg strani" je vrsta strani, ki strankam pomagajo oceniti ponudbo izdelkov Lexmark na podlagi povprečnega števila strani, ki jih stranke načrtujejo vsakič, da jih natisnejo na napravi. Lexmark priporoča, da je število strani na mesec v dosegu optimalne zmogljivosti naprave, ki temelji na dejavnikih, ki vključujejo: intervale zamenjave zalog, intervale nalaganja papirja, hitrost in značilno porabo strank.
Vse informacije se lahko spremenijo brez vnaprejšnjega opozorila. Lexmark ni odgovoren za morebitne napake ali opustitve.
To spletno mesto uporablja piškotke za različne namene, med drugim za izboljšanje vaše izkušnje, analiziranje in oglaševanje. Z nadaljnjim brskanjem po tem spletnem mestu ali s klikom možnosti »Sprejmi in zapri« se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Za več informacij preberite našo stran o piškotkih.