A real medium-sized-workgroup solution, the Lexmark X560n MFP gives you outstanding print quality and lets you elevate office productivity with high-performance printing, copying, faxing and scanning.
New studies show that colour can increase brand recognition and reader retention by up to 80%, and that more than 60% of buying decisions are based on colour!* Even a little bit of colour can make a big difference in your business. So when you can acquire colour that’s fast and affordable as well as eye-catching, why settle for anything less? Combining newly enhanced toner, Pantone calibration and crisp 2400 Image Quality, the Lexmark X560n is perfect for all your important document needs – from presentations and office memos to spreadsheets and newsletters.
To load a second paper type or increase your input capacity, just opt for the extra 550-sheet drawer. It comes with a flexible floor stand, which gives you extra storage space too.
A real plug-and-print solution, everything about the Lexmark X560n is straightforward and simple. The consumables are 100% front-loading, so they literally take just seconds to replace. And the operator panel offers a variety of intuitive features to simplify everyday workflow tasks. For instance, it includes a handy job-cancel button to put the brakes on print runs quickly, so you don’t waste paper. And the 4-line graphical display guides you through printing and maintenance tasks with ease. All the tools you need to maximise uptime and boost productivity!
What better way to reduce costs while promoting earth-friendly practices in your business? With two-sided printing, everyone wins. Save paper, money and the environment!
The Lexmark X560n is robust, reliable and ready to go to work. With PostScript 3 and PCL6 compatibility, it ensures perfect integration into any IT environment. Need to copy a large presentation before lunch? No problem. Just load the 50-page Automatic Document Feeder and zip through output as fast as 30 ppm in mono, 20 ppm in colour. More than just fast, the X560n gives you a range of efficiency-boosting features too, like a multipurpose feeder, fax speed dials and intuitive workflow software to digitise, manage, search and edit documents with ease.
Printing should be as attractive on your budget as it is on your documents. Built for demanding medium-sized workgroups, the Lexmark X560n MFP brings you a world of cost-saving benefits. By merging print, copy, fax and scan into one high-performance network device, you save considerably on office space, hardware costs, consumables, service contracts and even energy. But why stop there? Opt for the high-yield cartridges to drive down your cost per page. And add the optional duplex unit to save paper, money and the environment – all at the same time!
At Lexmark, we’re always working hard to ensure you achieve maximum productivity and minimum downtime. Our X560n MFP includes our solid service guarantee of One-year On Site Repair, with a response time of next business day*. For an even greater level of peace of mind, you can opt for one of our extended-guarantee service offerings. For more information on any of these offerings, just contact your local dealer or visit us today at www.lexmark.com.
* Source: InfoTrends 2007
* In serviceable areas
*Average Continuous Composite CMY Declared Cartridge Yield up to 4,000 standard pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798.
Ethernet, USB or parallel cable is not included. Please purchase separately.
**Average Continuous Black Declared Cartridge Yield up to 5,000 standard pages in accordance with ISO/IEC 19798.
Št. dela. | 14A1032 |
Tehnologija tiskanja |
Zaslon |
Podprte velikosti medija |
Standardna vrata |
Velikost (mm - V x D x G) |
Teža |
Dimenzije embalaže (mm - V x D x G) |
Teža paketa (kg) |
Hitrost kopiranja |
Prva stran |
Stopnja pomanjšave / povečave |
Hitrost modema |
Hitrost tiskanja |
Prva stran |
Ločljivost tiska |
Obojestransko tiskanje |
Površina tiskanja |
Tip skenerja / Optično branje s samodejnim podajalnikom dokumentov |
Območje skeniranja |
Ločljivost skeniranja |
APD vhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Podprte velikosti medija |
Dodatek sortiranja |
Število vnosov papirja |
Vhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Izhodna kapaciteta papirja |
Podprt razred teže papirja |
Standardna papirna opcija |
Dodatne papirne opcije |
Priporočena mesečna količina strani |
Največji mesečni obratovalni ciklus |
Velikost |
Zdržljivost potrošnega materiala |
Procesor |
Spomin |
Tiskalniški jeziki |
Nabor fontov in simbolov |
Ethernetno omrežje |
Podpora omrežnega protokola |
Omrežne metode tiskanja |
TCP/IP Set of Application Services |
Protokoli za upravljanje omrežja |
Opcijska mrežna vrata |
Podprti Microsoft Windows operacijski sistemi |
Podprti Apple operacijski sistemi |
Podprti Linux operacijski sistemi |
Citrix MetaFrame |
Stopnja hrupnosti |
Povprečna poraba energije pri tiskanju / Povprečna poraba energije pri kopiranju / Povprečna poraba energije pri optičnem branju |
Povprečna poraba energije v stanju pripravljenosti z vklopljeno možnostjo varčevanja energije |
Določeno delovno okolje |
Potrdila izdelka |
UNSPSC koda |
Država izvora |
Garancija izdelka |
1"Priporočeni mesečni obseg strani" je vrsta strani, ki strankam pomagajo oceniti ponudbo izdelkov Lexmark na podlagi povprečnega števila strani, ki jih stranke načrtujejo vsakič, da jih natisnejo na napravi. Lexmark priporoča, da je število strani na mesec v dosegu optimalne zmogljivosti naprave, ki temelji na dejavnikih, ki vključujejo: intervale zamenjave zalog, intervale nalaganja papirja, hitrost in značilno porabo strank.
2"Najvišji mesečni delovni cikel" je opredeljen kot največje število strani, ki bi jih naprava lahko dostavila v enem mesecu z uporabo večglasne operacije. Ta metrika zagotavlja primerjavo robustnosti v primerjavi z drugimi Lexmarkovimi tiskalniki in večnamenskimi tiskalniki.
3Povprečna deklarirana vrednost za kartušo pri nepretrganem tiskanju s črno ali sestavljeno barvo CMY do tega števila standardnih strani skladno z ISO/IEC 19798.
Názov | Št. dela. | Kategorija |
1021231 | Povezljivost | |
14T0440 | Povezljivost | |
1025041 | Pomnilniške opcije | |
1025042 | Pomnilniške opcije | |
1025043 | Pomnilniške opcije | |
1021294 | Povezljivost | |
14T0430 | Povezljivost | |
14T0220 | Povezljivost | |
SPD0002 | Povezljivost |
†"Priporočeni mesečni obseg strani" je vrsta strani, ki strankam pomagajo oceniti ponudbo izdelkov Lexmark na podlagi povprečnega števila strani, ki jih stranke načrtujejo vsakič, da jih natisnejo na napravi. Lexmark priporoča, da je število strani na mesec v dosegu optimalne zmogljivosti naprave, ki temelji na dejavnikih, ki vključujejo: intervale zamenjave zalog, intervale nalaganja papirja, hitrost in značilno porabo strank.
Vse informacije se lahko spremenijo brez vnaprejšnjega opozorila. Lexmark ni odgovoren za morebitne napake ali opustitve.
To spletno mesto uporablja piškotke za različne namene, med drugim za izboljšanje vaše izkušnje, analiziranje in oglaševanje. Z nadaljnjim brskanjem po tem spletnem mestu ali s klikom možnosti »Sprejmi in zapri« se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Za več informacij preberite našo stran o piškotkih.