Standards and Certifications | Lexmark Caribbean

Standards and Certifications

Anyone can say their products are secure. Lexmark seeks and achieves certification for comprehensive industry and government standards.

Common Criteria (NIAP/CCEVS Certification, ISO 15408)

Common Criteria provides a framework to validate the security functionality of a computer system. Lexmark devices are validated through a US-based National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP)-approved laboratory using the latest policy guidance. Such third-party validation assures customers that security capabilities protect the device as claimed by the manufacturer. Learn more here.


The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) bases requirements and standards for cryptographic modules on FIPS, the Federal Information Processing Standards. Lexmark has completed a FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) on Lexmark products, an independent validation of the correct implementation of cryptographic algorithms used in our devices.

To learn more about Lexmark's solutions, contact us today.