MPS for Education

Managed Print Services for Education

A smarter solution to reduce costs and increase efficiency

Today’s educational institutions are overwhelmed by data and technology. A heavy reliance on paper-based processes is creating volumes of unstructured paper and digital information. Add in mismatched output devices like printers and copiers—plus an increasing number of mobile devices—and you have a massive bottleneck in the making.

This explosion of unmanaged content and technology keeps educators disconnected from the information they need at a critical time when there’s an increasing demand for improved student outcomes and overall efficiency improvements—all on a reduced budget.

Lexmark is a recognized leader in MPS

Lexmark Managed Print Services (MPS) for Education is a comprehensive methodology that can solve problems for educational institutions like yours that are looking to make improvements at both the strategic and operational levels. Our experienced Lexmark education consultants assess your fleet so devices are placed only where they’re needed to maximize productivity. And by taking a holistic approach to managing critical information more efficiently, you can significantly reduce paper usage and energy costs.

Our powerful process and content management solutions for education bridge the content gaps in your systems, connecting educators, students and administrators with the data they need, at the moment they need it. Lexmark provides the visibility and control needed to support student achievement, cut costs and meet a variety of educational technology challenges—now and in the future.

Get in touch with a Lexmark enterprise solutions consultant, contact us today.


Laredo Independent School District

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Find out how a Texas school district used Lexmark MPS for Education to go to the head of the class.

See how this Canadian university optimized its output environment to cut costs and reduce waste.