Career at Lexmark

Get to know us a bit and see if Lexmark might be the ideal next stop in your career.

When you grow, we will grow with you

Lexmark will contribute to your success just as much as you do to ours. Our company doesn't see you as a battery that we use, consume, and throw out the second it runs out. We see you as an individual who we want to help grow professionally and personally. We are growing along with you, and our progress is reflected in a concept known as the “Value Tree”. Come and see for yourself!


​    Working in the multinational world sometimes sounds like the Tower of Babel. At Lexmark, we all speak English, and we also hear your voice in your native language.

​    Although our office is a great place to work and is open every day, you’re not required to come Monday through Friday. Our hybrid working model has been tested and is successful. 

​    We won’t narrow your vision. Your career can grow as much as you want it to. Show us your path, and we’ll be happy to put you on it.

​    The colleagues are going to welcome you as an old friend, so be their new one!

​    We optimize your work for your private life. Work-life balance has never been more stable.

Untitled design - Without misspeaking

Another corporation that tries to sell itself as a big family, right?

Untitled design - Value Tree

The Lexmark Value Tree has been growing since our first days. With your progress, you’re watering the Lexmark tree, and as it grows taller.

Untitled design - Get inspired by

We’re proud that every member of our team represents something from Lexmark​

Untitled design - Start your career

Take the opportunity to work with the best professionals on the best products.​

Some of our Initiatives​

Here are some picture of the office life and atmosphere.
Maybe you'll be on the next one with us?