January 2022 Lexmark Cloud


[Enhancement] Cloud Fleet Management Update

Release of Local Agent 2.1.24

Localization support has been added to the Local Agent. 

Remote retrieval of the Local Agent’s log and inventory data files through the Fleet Management portal.

The download of the Local Agent’s log can be requested from the Local Agent’s details page in the Fleet Management portal.


[Feature] Cloud Fleet Management Update

Apply Tags using a file import

Tags can now be assigned to printers from a list in an imported csv or txt file.  The import file identifies the printer by IP address or serial number that will have a tag applied.  Multiple tags can be applied in the same operations.


[Feature] Cloud Print Management Update

Guest Print Cost Center/Department Assignment:

This Feature will provide Administrators a method to specify a cost center or department that guest users will automatically be added to when they submit a print job.  This gives an additional method to report on guest print usage (using existing cost center reports) as well as a way for Administrators to define a quota for guest print as a preventative measure for guest print usage abuse.

Email body removal:

This Feature will give Administrators a way to turn off the creation of print jobs that result from the body of emails, effectively allowing only attachment(s) to be printed during email submission.  This will be an organization wide policy for all email submission, including guest print.

Delegate Expiration:

This feature will allow users of CPM to assign expirations to delegates with configurable values. These expirations will apply to and be configurable for individual delegates of a specified user.  The expiration value is set when the delegate is assigned.

Configurable Print Job Order:

This feature will provide an organizational policy to configure whether the default print order is newest job first or oldest job first.  This applies to the presentation of jobs on the printer as well as the “release all” print order.

Requires Print Release eSF application versions:

e5 and later:       v5.10.19

e3 and e4:           v2.6.24

[Feature][Maintenance] Print Management Client Updates

Lexmark Print Management Client

This feature provides a About Box that shows LPMC software version.

Windows version now supports 32- and 64-bit operating systems.

LPMC versions:

Windows: 2.3.1026.0

macOS : 1.1.1485

Cloud Print Management eSF Bundle

Cloud Authentication eSF application

Maintenance updates

e5 and later: v5.6.30

e3 and e4: v2.6.23

Print Release eSF application

Support for Print Job Release Order.

e5 and later: v5.10.19

e3 and e4: v2.6.24

Document Accounting, Device Usage eSF application

Maintenance updates



[Feature][Maintenance][Security] Cloud Fleet Management Update

New functionality that allows Fleet Administrators to create a report showing the versions of all eSF applications installed on their printers.  The report is generated as a CSV export from within the Printer Listing Page in the CFM portal.


[Security] Cloud Fleet Management

Updates to 3rd-party software to resolve vulnerability associated with CVE-2021-44228.

Printer Enrollment Tool v2.7.0-3.1502

Fleet Agent v1.2.47